- Överordnad kategori: Sample Data-Articles
- Joomla!

JSN Sun Framework is a revolutionary template builder from JoomlaShine, which makes Joomla template development no longer be a geek’s stuff, by allowing Joomla developers to build templates with drag-and-drop operation and minimum coding skill...
Since its first release in 2016, the framework has empowered more than 30 JSN templates of generation 2 with impressive front-end designs, strong functionality and high compatibility thanks to its optimized extended styles for various third-party extensions. And today, September 19, 2017, JoomlaShine is glad to announce for the release of JSN Sun Framework 1.2.9. This new version comes with many improvements and bug fixes.
Let’s take a quick look on some significant changes of the new framework version.
- More content types for article
- Restructure the source code of template admin React app
- Add class for item main body
- Create system plugin to show menu data
- Compatible with Joomla 3.8
- New URL for templates
- New welcome window
- Add “help” in each GUI section
- More font style for Menu text
New updates in detail.
Firstly, there are more selections for content types in tab Sun Framework Options such as standard, gallery, audio, link, quote, video. Page content will be much more diverse than Joomla default with only image.
In addition, the source code is optimized for faster operation and more anonymous to decrease security risks. Another update related to technical issue is recognizable class is added to the container of every layout items which are rendered at front-end, template styles customization will be easier than ever.
Metadata of menu item will be shown by system plugin like title attribute and link description. The new version is compatible with Joomla 3.8 and new URL will be changed without the “2” of Gen 2 templates.
There are some other updates for UI and UX, which are the new welcome window with introduction and buttons that link to sample data and documentation, and user could find helps easily by the icon near title of each GUI section. There are also more options for font menu in Font type and Font family selector.
Moreover, a lot of bugs are fixed and it helps experience made by JSN Sun Framework 1.2.9 be more completed. That leads to strong believe from JoomlaShine to offer higher quality Joomla templates.